
Understanding the True Meaning of Honour and Integrity in Spiritual Work

When engaging with individuals who identify as Light Workers, I initially held the expectation that they would embody honour and integrity in their dealings. I naively believed that those who had dedicated years to spiritual courses and the study of love and energy would naturally be full of honour and integrity.

One would assume that these individuals, having immersed themselves in teachings of love, honour, and integrity, would reflect these values in their intentions, business practices, and daily lives. This is what they learn in their courses and what they claim to impart to their clients. Right?

The Reality Check

Unfortunately, my experiences have not aligned with these expectations. Typically, when hiring staff or conducting business, I listen to my Heart. If my Heart reflects a positive response, I then conduct thorough protocol checks and personality assessments to ensure the person or company aligns with my code of ethics, honour, and integrity. This approach has served me well over the years, as some of my staff and suppliers have worked with me for over 25 years.

Encountering a New Paradigm

Recently, however, I have encountered a new type of healing therapist, staff applicant, course participant, supplier, or contractor, who claim to be spiritual and Light Workers.

In every instance, when I have bypassed my usual protocols, I have been disappointed. When discrepancies arise, as they inevitably do, and are brought to their attention, these individuals often resort to the blame game. They blame everyone and everything rather than admitting their lack of skills or their greed in quoting prices.

It is astonishing to see the lengths to which they will go to defend their actions, often resorting to verbal abuse and berating. They can never accept responsibility for their own errors or mis-judgments.

Beware of the Light Chasers

These individuals are what I call Light chasers, or in simple terms, vampires of Light. The real problem arises when real Heart-based Light Worker, fall prey to them and allow them into their lives, companies, or businesses, while listening to their head and not their Hearts.  The Light chaser is a good talker, a great manipulator and an even better vampire.  They can infiltrate your life or business under the guise of being all Light and Love, but they wreak havoc in both, and drain us of our Life Energy, Light.

Trust Your Heart

Whether you are an individual or in business, it is crucial to follow your Heart, that feeling that seems to originate within your gut and adhere to your own protocols when befriending or contracting someone, regardless of their spiritual credentials or recommendations. No matter what spiritual course someone has taken, who their REIKI Master is, or who has recommended them, always trust your instincts and follow your Heart, your Heart will never lie.

I have long been an advocate and teacher of "Heart Space" and "following your Heart" and I am not deviating from that teaching here. However, more intense scrutiny is required because these Light Chasers have the ability to manipulate that primal feeling that usually never lets us down.

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Trusting Your Inner Guidance

I always rely on my Heart and follow my gut instinct. Initially, so I couldn't understand why this approach seemed to be failing me. However, upon reflection, I realised that my instincts had not let me down. All that happened was, I ignored my Heart and listened to my head. When I think back to the very first recommendation or introduction of each of these individuals and contractors, my initial feeling was "NO." But after spending a few moments in their company and hearing their spiritual stories, I was captivated—until I eventually discovered they were wolves in sheep's clothing.

The Lesson Learned

The lesson for me, is, when someone presents to me as a student, for example, but the conversation becomes hijacked with talk of spirituality or Light. It becomes important to retreat and FEEL what the Heart is saying. If the person, company, or supplier is genuinely on their spiritual path and operates from their True Heart Space, this will become evident as a secondary commonality, not the primary one.

The Manipulation of Darkness

Darkness has devised a new paradigm to ensure its survival in an awakening world. It is crucial to recognise that these manipulative forces can disguise themselves as spiritual allies. They can infiltrate our lives, businesses, and personal spaces under the guise of being all about Light and Love, but their true intentions are far from pure.

Awakening, has developed many meanings in the 21st century, its become a trendy word. But to be awake or awakened is not trendy, its painful, to be awake is to be aware of the pain, suffering and manipulation all around us, and to stand firm in Love without becoming egotistical.

The Importance of Heart Space

The Heart is the Electromagnetic Portal to the Cosmos where our Divinity resides. It is our emotional and spiritual centre, where we feel most alive and connected. It is a place of Love, joy, and compassion, but it can also be where we experience the deepest hurt. Connecting with our Heart Space means getting in touch with who you truly are, beyond the noise and demands of everyday life. It is about finding that quiet, steady place within us that guides us to make choices that feel right and true to who we are.

Be your Heart.

David Ellis