The Reasons Meditation Makes Us Healthy

Meditation lets us savour the present moment.Lets take a look at the reasons meditation makes us healthy. It brings in attention to life as it is, here and now. With meditation we can begin to declutter our mind. There are many portals to meditation, e.g. breathing, awareness of the body and sense perceptions. The goal of meditation is to come back to ourselves. We can always come back home, back to oneness with ourselves and back to full health. Meditating can help us on your path to full mental and physical health.



Reasons Meditation Makes Us Healthy






Our Mental Health: Reasons 


  1. Meditation Helps You to Let Go:

When sitting in meditation, practice letting go of your worries and cares of the day. Come into the space where you can just be you for 5 to 10 minutes. There is no onus on you to say, do or be anything during this time. This is a safe place and a welcoming place. As you sit in silence, become aware of a space inside you that is what you truly are. As you bring loving attention to your real self, the baggage that you carry begins to fall away. Maybe you have carried this for a long time without knowing it. As we bring all sides of ourselves into the light of awareness, the light of our true self strengthens.

  1. Mediation Protects us from External Negativity

Toxic relationships, and abusive comments from strangers are some sources of outside negativity.  If we are sensitive, hurtful words can linger in our mind. It can put us in an uneasy mood for the rest of the day or even our lives. Unresolved issues amongst families can also linger in our psyche and release negative energy to us. The solution is to mediate to help deal with when we feel upset by another’s comments. The space brought in by meditation allows us to separate these comments from ourselves. In this way, we build a protective shield against outside negativity.

  1. Meditation Helps You to Grow a New Belief

If we want to make some new positive beliefs, we need to clear our mind firstly. Meditation helps us to take away the noise in the mind which gives us an empty space to bring in a new idea. Think of it as clearing all the words off a whiteboard and then writing a new mantra to begin your new day. This is very good practice if you are using affirmations. A short meditation before an affirmation will greatly help with our manifestation.


Our Physical Health Reasons 

  1. Meditation Helps us to Prevent Disease

Signals that something is amiss in our body always start quietly and subtly. When we learn to listen to our body’s feelings we can notice the little signs it sends us when something is not quite right. Perhaps we are out of balance in some area in our life, which our body is reflecting back to us. With meditation we can find the truth behind these ailments in order to have a happy mind and healthy body.

  1. Meditation Prepares us for Conscious Exercise

Our bodies love to move and be energised by exercise. I recommend a short meditation before carrying out your normal exercise routine, just to check in with how your body is feeling. This is also good before a yoga class, so that you can notice what parts of our body are aching or needing more attention. We can then be more aware of our body’s needs to avoid injury during your regular sports activities.


  1. Meditation Allows us to Just Breathe!

Bringing our attention to our breath is one of the quickest and most effective forms of meditation. Listen to the breath and feel the waves on the exhalation and inhalation. Notice how all this breathing happens with very little effort when our mind and body are relaxed. The breath is a wonderful portal to meditation as we align our body to our mind.

Our Spiritual Health Reasons

  1. Intuition is Honed by Meditation

As we become more comfortable with meditation, we will notice that we “know” certain things to be true beyond what the mind can justify. If there is a niggling question to which you want to know the answer, I recommend sitting in meditation to cultivate a connection to truth. As Paul Coelho said “Listen to your heart, it knows everything.”

  1. Meditation Builds a Connection to the Present Moment

The most important connection is our relationship with life in the present moment. Through meditation, we can clear an opening for more positivity to enter our life. This positive influx may be in many forms, e.g. abundance, joy, freedom and health. As the book “Eat, Pray, Love” declares: “If you open that door, God will rush in and fill you with more love than you ever dreamed.”

  1. We Become More Connected to Each Other

As we have space for positivity in our lives, our world will open. New opportunities, new friends and new avenues of life will open up. Our relationships with other people become more meaningful and rewarding. We can share love and give out good vibrations to all people and the Earth. We can become a harmonised race with peace and joy as our goal.

Conclusion The Reasons Meditation Makes Us Healthy

Once we have let go of our personal baggage, become aware of negative energy around us and made a strong connection between ourselves and life, we can open to each other. Share the love and the good vibes with people who seem open to receiving good karma. Meditation is a life-long practice and worthwhile beginning now. We owe ourselves and each other the very best in life. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s meditate!