

Turquoise - International Crystals Encyclopedia https://www.atlantisinstitute.org/  
Origin - the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the th

Falcons Eye

Falcon’s Eye | Blue Tiger’s Eye - International Crystals Encyclopedia https://www.atlantisinstitute.org/  
Origin - the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from w

Hawks Eye


Origin Falcon’s eye is a blue black to blue green opaque gemstone variety of fibrous quartz. All Tiger Eye is chatoyant which derives from the French language for “cat’s eye”. In the middle ages, the Fa

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli - International Crystals Encyclopedia https://www.atlantisinstitute.org/ 
Origin - the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thi


Dioptase - International Crystals Encyclopedia https://www.atlantisinstitute.org/  
Origin - the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thi


Azurite – Atlantis Institute Crystals Encyclopedia


Azurite is a secondary crystal formed from copper carbonate and found in the upper oxidised portions of copper ore. It is often mixed with another copper carbonate mineral, Malachite, which is bright green compared to the deep blue of Azurite.

The crystal can be produce


Chalcedony - International Crystals Encyclopedia https://www.atlantisinstitute.org/  
Origin - the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the t


Charoite - International Crystals Encyclopedia https://www.atlantisinstitute.org/ 
Origin - the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing f


Chrysocolla - International Crystals Encyclopedia https://www.atlantisinstitute.org/  
Origin - the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the


Copper - International Crystals Encyclopedia https://www.atlantisinstitute.org/  
Origin - the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing




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