Chrysocolla - International Crystals Encyclopedia


Origin - the place or situation from which something comes, the beginning of something’s existence, the point from which it starts out, the thing from which it is ultimately derived.

Chrysocolla is a crystal of secondary formation which is formed in the zones of oxidation of bodies of copper ore when the copper is dissolved out of rock by surface water containing silicic acid.


The structure of chrysocolla has been queried as some studies have indicated that the material within Chrysocolla contains chalcedony and copper hydroxide spertiniite yet it is widely specified as a hydrated copper cyclosilicate mineral.


Chrysocolla is mainly found as rounded or botryoidal crusts, masses and vein fillings.


All crystals belong to a different group according to the basis of the relationships of their axes. There are 7 systems and 32 classes of symmetry. Chrysocolla crystals belong to the Monoclinic system. PDF says Monoclinic yet wiki says Orthorhombic …confirm


History - the past considered as a whole, the whole series of past events connected with someone or sometihing, a continuous typically chronological record of importance.
The term Chrysocolla is derived from two Greek words; Chrys, meaning gold and kolla, meaning glue; first used in 315 BC by Theophrastus.


The descriptive term is thought to be due to the Ancient Greeks using the mineral to fuse and solder gold together.


Other stories tell that Chrysocolla was used by Native Americans as a strength to body resistance and for its healing and calming powers.


Deposits of Chrysocolla are mainly found in Israel, Chile, Russia, Peru, Mexico, Nevada, Zaire and the DR of the Congo.






Specification - the act of describing or identifying something precisely, a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.

Chrysocolla stones are brittle to sectile and are very soft with a Mohs scale rating of 2.5 -3.5. They are dull to vitreous and opaque to transluscent and are found with an uneven, irregular , sub-conchoidal fracture.


As Chrysocolla stones are so soft they are not often used for jewellery, instead they are a fascinating collectors stone due to their attractive colour and appearance.


Varieties - a number or range of things of the same general class that are different or distinct in character or quality.
Associated minerals to Chrysocolla include and are not limited to;


  • Limonite
  • Malachite
  • Azurite
  • Quartz
  • Cuprite



Esoteric Attributes - a quality or feature as characteristic of or possed by something.
Crystals by their very nature are able to receive and focus energy in different ways. Their molecular structure enables them to be used to amplify and convert energy and hence crystals have been used for centuries to aid healing and transmute energy both in the metaphysical and physical world.


Because each crystal family has different formational backgrounds, each also has different vibrtional frequencies that can be harnesed and used for specific purposes. Each therefore have specific qualities that can be used to help a person heal on the many different levels of their being.


The following is a list of healing attributes associated with Chrysocolla crystals.


Mental: Chrysocolla is a calming stone that helps to balance and keep cool in mentally trying situations and challenges.
Emotional: The stone is a fantastic aid to alleviate feelings of anger and stress. It also helps with feelings of blame and guilt; allowing you to understand and be aware of the emotional process.
Physical: Chrysocolla alleviates menstrual pain, cramps and fevers. The stone also strengthens the liver and soothes burns, scars and sore throats.


Crystal Chart - Chrysocolla


Crystal: Chrysocolla
Mineralogy: Hydrous Copper Ring Silicate
Geometric form: Monoclinic
Formation: Secondary
Family: Silicate
Birthstone: Chrysocolla is associated with the Astrological signs of Taurus, Virgo and Gemini.
Appearance: Brittle to sectile, vitreous to dull with a sub-conchoidal, uneven fracture.
Aura: Chrysocolla works as an energizer for the aura. It helps to restore balance when your levels are low. The stone dispels negative energies and promotes development and growth.
Colour: Colours range from white to beautiful hues of green, blue and teal.
Chakra: Chrysocolla crystals are aligned to the Heart Chakra to balance and strengthen truth and the Throat Chakra for wise communication.




International Crystals - References and resources:


Michael Gienger, Healing Crystals, Earthdancer Books, 2009

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Crystal, 6th ed. 2014

World of Earth Science, Quartz, 2003

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Crystal Healing, 2001

New Oxford American Dictionary