
The Human Connection. 

Do you feel abandoned?

Do you seek approval from other people?

Do you feel you are not good enough?

Were you an adopted child?

As a child we seek approval and love from our parents, especially our Mother. We look into her eyes and deep within that gaze there is a connection, a bond, a love that’s deeper that human. 


The Human Connection. 

Do you feel abandoned?

Do you seek approval from other people?

Do you feel you are not good enough?

Were you an adopted child?

As a child, we seek approval and love from our parents, especially our Mother. We look into her eyes, and deep within that gaze, there is a connection, a bond, a love deeper than human.

Human Connection

Image by Ana Tablas

That connection empowers us and encourages us to grow and develop. It nurtures us and connects us to our potential. 

The list is endless when this connection is severed, for whatever reason, maybe through death, adoption, unavailability, or inability. The child suffers a wound that is so deep, so painful, that it cuts through us like a warrior's sword leaving us broken and fragmented for many years. 

When a child does not receive love and attention, they need to grow and develop into healthy adults. The adult will develop fragmented, unsure of why insecure, with a sense of loss that is so painful but not understandable. They spend years searching, to realise that they cannot find it anywhere. 

We eventually arrive at a time when we stop searching and begin to look within. With some work and effort, we finally see what we were seeking is already within us. 

We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it and let it go so we can live as responsible, loving, caring adults.

The Program

This is a personal program created for you with genuine integrity. The program’s purpose is to teach you the skills to “Go into self" and find the core issues relating to the issues of abandonment, approval, low self esteem; there you can heal the past, detach from approval seeking, grow Self Worth and Self Esteem and free yourself to begin living and loving again.

Suitable for beginners?   This program is open to everyone.

This is a personal program developed for you and includes:

An email interview so I can develop a personal program for you.

A Hypnotic Audio created for you to enable you to to connect with your Inner Child and heal the issues of abandonment, approval and self esteem. 

A Meditation to Heal the Self within.

A Downloadable PDF Manual written for you to learn about the affects of abandonment, approval, lack of self esteem and lack of Love and the  Healing process to allow you become the courageous human being that you truly are.  

Unlimited Email support from David, who is the creator of the Program. David has worked with clients for many years, and you can learn about him HERE

Program Costs

You can pay by EFT, Credit Card, or PayPal.

Self-Learning Program ... €49

How will this program help me?         

This program will teach you how to re. Evaluate your self-worth, develop healthy self-confidence, and learn to detach from seeking approval and heal the past.             

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The Human Connection